Tammy D. Bonifacius
Mortgage Loan Originator
NMLS#: 2283908
About Tammy D. Bonifacius
As a dedicated loan officer, I find immense joy in helping people realize the dream of home ownership. It’s a wonderful feeling to know that my career is built around assisting individuals in achieving their goals of owning a home. This passion drives me every day to provide the best service possible. In 2024, I experienced a personal milestone when I finally located and met my half-sister for the first time after a 45-year search, a reminder that life is full of beautiful surprises.
When I’m not busy helping clients, I love hiking and spending time outdoors, especially in the stunning Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I also share my home with four beloved cats, each named after University of Tennessee greats: Summit, Peyton, Smokey, and Neyland. My family and I enjoy every moment together, celebrating both our adventures and the little things in life.
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Featured Products
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Cash Offer and Buy Now, Sell Later. With our Cash Offer program, even the odds and get your offers accepted, all with the power of cash. With Buy Now, Sell Later, current homeowners can comfortably sell their old home all while securing a new one.
Access Home Equity
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As you start to make payments on your mortgage, you gain equity in your home. Take advantage of the equity you have built up over time and receive cash for large expenses, consolidating your debts, or home repairs and updates.
Featured Product
A temporary mortgage interest rate buydown is a home financing strategy that home buyers can use to temporarily lower their interest rate to make their monthly mortgage payments more affordable.